Quarterly Pulse Check

Regularly survey your employees to get a sense of how they feel and track progress through the year.

  1. As this quarter wraps up we want to take the time to check in with our teams. Please participate in this anonymous three-question survey to help us better understand how we can better serve you.
  2. Are you happy at work?
    1. Very Happy
    2. Somewhat Happy
    3. Neutral
    4. Somewhat Unhappy
    5. Very Unhappy
  3. I have everything I need to perform my job
    1. Strong Agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neutral
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly Disagree
  4. I have opportunities to progress in my role
    1. Strong Agree
    2. Agree
    3. Neutral
    4. Disagree
    5. Strongly Disagree
  5. Thank you for participating in our survey! Remember, you can anonymously text us feedback or questions any time at (833) 492-8158